Living in London, you must not only be prepared for daunting crowds, traffic on overload and frantic everyday life, you also have to keep up with some pretty dreadful weather..

Take yesterday i.e, waking up all rested and ready to take on the weekend! Jumping out of bed only to meet the grey sky staring back at me when the blinds go up.. And if the greyness wasn't enough, it started raining as well.. another one of those days!

Equipped with my brolly I sat foot into the hair-frizzing London drizzle, this was no challenge for a Norwegian I noted to myself, that was until a fiery gust of wind tore my umbrella inside out.. and the first thing that came to mind as the rain slapped my face was these guys:

Based in the rainiest city in Norway, correction; rainiest city in Europe(!) Bergen, where it rains 2 out of 3 days, this unique duo was inspired by just that; to create something the world hadn't seen before: Raincoats that don't look like raincoats.. the result? - "Hard core functional and waterproof outerwear that does not compromise on stylistic preferences. The hi-tech is hidden"

The designer duo I am out to promote today, is one I would characterize as out of the ordinary:

Alexander Helle, a young Norwegian business graduate, born and raised in this city of rain called Bergen & T-Michael, a bespoke tailor and designer with over 17 years of tailoring experience who moved to Bergen after spending years in London - And together they form the inspiring minds behind the award-winning designer label NORWEGIAN RAIN.

Merging Alexander's ideas about contemporary style, tradition and technology with the conceptual handcraft and delicate detailing of T-Michael, has proven to be a sartorial success the world of extreme outerwear has indeed, never before seen:

Their design echoes both classic and experimental, tradition and innovation and the conclusion is an edgy yet timeless piece of high-performance garment, with the highest level of weather protection available out there.

So whether you reside in Norway, London or anywhere risky of inside-out-brolly incidents.. this might just be the one product you need to battle those rainy days!

For more information see NORWEGIAN RAIN's webpage or go directly to their webshop to view their complete collection.